
Keep a Sutton wide eye out to anticipate need – e.g.: BLM coordinated response to safeguard young people in all Sutton schools.

We regularly invite the anti-racism practice lead in Sutton and colleagues from police to our DSL update sessions to provide updates and discuss local risk.  We have also been engaging with Stop Hate UK and shared resources to support.

We would like more on Restorative practices

This training is available here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

When we’re back in school I would like some guidance on reviewing the Single Central Register but appreciate that might just be me as I’m new to the DSL

We discuss this briefly in our DSL update sessions but also signpost to a more detailed course here: A Practical Guide to the Schools’ Single Central Record (SCR) Live Online Training – NSM Training & Consultancy (

Consider using a local serious case review periodically at DSL briefing to consider lessons learned

We discuss local serious case reviews at our DSL update sessions but have also now produced the Child Safeguarding Toolkit which also goes into detail about learning from serious case reviews

Podcast Interview with a social worker to explore the assessment process when a referral is made so from initial referral to outcome

This is currently being developed with CFCS.  Please click here to view the latest podcasts from Cognus: Education Untapped (

Podcast or video that explains the difference between a CP conference, Core group meeting, CIN meeting and strategy meeting.

We will look at this when planning future podcasts.  Please click here to view the latest podcasts from Cognus: Education Untapped (

Podcast or video that explains the pep process and how to complete the process – forms, meetings etc.

We have shared this request with the virtual school.  Please click here to view the latest podcasts from Cognus: Education Untapped (

Kate Leyshon (Virtual Head) also came to discuss CLA at our DSL meetings last year and will be coming along to meetings again in the autumn term.

Quick briefings videos/presentations that could then be delivered by DSLs in school.

Each half-term we will be producing bitesize video clips and PowerPoints that can be delivered by DSLs in schools.  The links will be sent out to schools via the safeguarding briefing and will also be available here:  The first issue will be the safeguarding awareness video, which will be sent out to schools before the start of term in September.

More information on dealing with difficult parents/engaging parents

This training is available here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

More information on transgender issues and harmful sexual behaviours

This training is available here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

More podcasts/videos on online safety

We will look at developing this going forward.  There are also some useful resources here: Resource Library (

Managing allegations against staff training hasn’t been available for ages but features on the audit

We hold annual training events (the last session was held in May 2021) which you can book on to here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

QA/moderation of thresholds. In some instances, school has been in situations where our escalations have been rebuffed however these cases have presented more concerns than other cases at CP and yet EH is not having the desired impact.

Please book onto the threshold training where these issues can be raised Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

Prevent – I feel that the update I give to staff is not very good and would be handy to have resources on that to refresh staff on.

Please contact Steve Welding if you require support with Prevent training.  Alternatively, ask staff to complete the e-learning training here:

Podcasts/videos – exploring issues around parenting and the impact on children such as domestic abuse, disguise compliance, mental health and substance abuse.

Each half-term we will be producing bitesize video clips and PowerPoints that can be delivered by DSLs in schools.  The links will be sent out to schools via the safeguarding briefing and will also be available here:  The first issue will be the safeguarding awareness video, which will be sent out to schools before the start of term in September.

How attendance and non-engagement from parents impacts on the child and can be a huge indicator of something more / bigger going on, this is often allowed to go on too long without intervention as ‘does not meet threshold ‘or masked by “disguised compliance “What can we do to reduce the amount of time the children are exposed, reduce long term impact and improve their lives.

We held a multi-agency workshop in July around safeguarding and attendance.  Averil Kathan and Gill Bush have had follow up conversations with schools that are having difficulties with specific cases.

A course to understand all the aspects for EVC and those who are doing role that is linked with the EVC but not under that title. it would help to ensure more people are aware of every aspect of the guidelines the EVC must follow.

Mick is currently developing this resource.

A podcast/video covering all aspects to consider for Risk assessment will make it easier for new trip leaders to follow the template and look out for the dangers and risk that can be involved in a trip. this can be in video format to highlight why these risk assessments are so important

Mick is currently developing this resource.

Risk assessments for educational visits that can be shared with class teachers.

Please contact for support with this.

An EVC refresher online would be beneficial

These are held regularly and are available to book here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

More focused support for SEN school’s in organising trips.  Regular training for our staff on how to plan and run trips, specific to our school admin procedures. Having the training run by an external provider is helpful to emphasise key messages and make sure we are up to date with statutory requirements.

Please contact for support with this.

Contextual safeguarding for Sutton, Domestic abuse, Substance misuse and young people engaging in criminal activity.

This training is available here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System ( .Dates for contextual safeguarding training are currently being finalised.

The DSL meetings are helpful, and the content is always relevant to our roles. It would be helpful to have a directory of services available that can be accessed with thresholds in one place. Also, the LAC team seem to be a little of a grey area for us, particularly those children on an SGO. Could we have some guidance from the LAC team regarding the legalities around SGO’s, and what support is available to these families.

Please refer to the contact sheet that we send out.  The latest version will be sent out prior to September.  Please also look the threshold section on the LSCP website Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Partnership – LSCP Policy & Practice (

Emer Leonard came to speak out are last DSL update sessions and shared resources around SGO’s, the support that is currently available and where to get further information.  Please contact Emer directly if you have further questions:

Supporting families struggling to meet the needs of young people with Mental health and Wellbeing concerns. Working with Disengaged Vulnerable families

Please refer to the Return to Schools document on the LSCP website: Framework_for_Education_supporting_children_returning_to_school (

Please could we have some clarification on some recent changes in recruitment.

We held a Safer Recruitment training session in May 2021.  These sessions are held annually and are available to book here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

The role of the mental health lead. Re- visit the principles of trauma informed/aware schools.

Training is available here: Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (  Please also have a look on the Cognus website for further information and support available: Trauma and Attachment – Cognus

My frustrations usually come from the time it can take from making a referral to having a SW/police visit (if deemed necessary). This can be challenging for schools when parents are unable to collect their children; however, I think this is beyond the Education Safeguarding Team’s control. Also, the social care team is still not always sharing the status of cases and the minutes from core group meetings.

This has been fed back to Children’s Social Care.

I would prefer the CFCS referral form not to be online as the previous MASH referral form was easier to use within school whereas now as it is ‘live’ we have to complete together whereas previously people could write comments or type their comments and I could then collate and get checked before sending through.

This has been fed back to Children’s Social Care.

It would be good if we can take what you have and adapt it to our age groups and individual needs.  If we can edit what you produce it will be very helpful to either adapt to students or staff for our training days especially with the safeguarding team when I must update them.

Each half-term we will be producing bitesize video clips and PowerPoints that can be delivered by DSLs in schools.  The links will be sent out to schools via the safeguarding briefing and will also be available here:  The first issue will be the safeguarding awareness video, which will be sent out to schools before the start of term in September.

Training on how to involve Governors effectively.

Training for Governors is available.  Please contact for more details and dates for 2021-2022.

When we have sent in a referral and told it is being assessed, it would be good to know what the next steps that were taken. We do a referral but sometimes do not hear back.

This has been fed back to Children’s Social Care.