Books for Traveller Pupils

GRT Book List

It can be difficult to find books that reflect Traveller traditions and lifestyle to help engage young Traveller pupils with reading. This GRT Book List includes a range of stories involving Travellers and Traveller culture.

“Wally” Books

On the list you will find the books below which are a valuable resource for teachers looking for stories that reflect the Traveller way of life. They were both written by Traveller pupils in conjunction with and the support of the Traveller Education Service.

Michaela Williams was 14 years old and at school in Merton when she wrote “Wally’s First Boxing Match” for her little brother, Levi. She wrote it because he liked boxing and books and there were not many books for young children on this subject.

If you would like to buy a copy of either of these books, please email with your name and contact number.

Please note the cost is £2.99 per book (including postage and packaging).