Exclusion prevention has been an ongoing focus of the local area, in particular post-pandemic where Sutton has seen an increase in challenging behaviour and escalation of complex needs within schools.
Historically, Sutton’s rates of exclusions have remained fairly consistent and below the national average. However, during the pandemic Sutton’s rates of exclusions did not drop in line with our statistical neighbours. Over the past 18 months there has been a concerted collaborative focus on reducing exclusions and we are starting to see a positive impact. Local data shows that when comparing the period September to December 2023 to the same period in 2022 we have seen a 48% decrease in the total number of permanent exclusions and a 31.25% reduction in the number of exclusions issued for children with SEND needs.
We know there is more work to be done, but this approach is testament to the strength of partnership between education, health, social care, police, voluntary and community organisations working together to support children and families.
Read more about the work we do School Exclusion – Cognus