Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

ELSAs are trained to support pupils with social and emotional needs. Their work is mostly one-on-one, though small group sessions are sometimes used for social and friendship skills. ELSAs receive clinical supervision from educational psychologists but are managed within their own schools.

ELSAs cannot fix children’s problems but provide crucial emotional support. They build respectful relationships with pupils, offering a space for them to share their thoughts and feelings. Using basic counselling skills like active listening, open questions, and verbal and non-verbal prompts, ELSAs guide conversations without rushing to solutions. Instead, they help pupils reflect on their concerns and explore their own strategies and solutions.

ELSA intervention is typically time-limited, focusing on developing specific skills over a term (8-12 weeks). After new skills are acquired, time is needed for consolidation. Further support can be considered later if necessary. Since ELSAs are part of the permanent school staff, they may maintain some informal contact to ensure a gradual withdrawal of support for pupils who need it.

For ELSAs to be effective, they must work towards clear targets with each pupil. These targets are identified in discussions with school staff and, when possible, with the pupil. Involving pupils in setting their own targets is beneficial, as it ensures that the goals are meaningful to them. If you would like further information on the role of an ELSA, see our top tips and best practice.

Could you or someone you know become an ELSA?

ELSA Training 24/25

The ELSA programme is a school-based intervention designed to support pupils with low level social and emotional needs.

We will be running the 6-day initial training of new ELSAs from:

November 2024 until June 2025

All sessions to run from 09:30 – 15:00

To register your interest, please contact: sutton.elsa@cognus.org.uk or complete and return the order form.

  • Use of story
  • Managing strong emotions
  • Social skills and friendship skills
  • Supporting Autistic pupils
  • Self-esteem and resilience
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Planning and evaluating ELSA sessions

Day 1 – 13th November
Day 2 – 22nd January
Day 3 – 5th March
Day 4 – 30th April
Day 5 – 14th May
Day 6 – 11th June (including a short session for line managers)

ELSA Development Day

Suicide – exploring attitudes around suicide and managing difficult conversations with young people. Click on the image for further information.

When: Tuesday 24th September, 9am-3pm
Where: Cantium House, Wallington, SM6 0DZ
Cost: £55

To Book: Complete the order form and send to sutton.elsa@cognus.org.uk

ELSA Supervision

An essential part of the ELSA programme is ongoing supervision from an Educational Psychologist.

On completion of training all ELSAs are offered half termly group supervision and must attend at least four sessions a year to receive a certificate of ongoing ELSA status.
Supervision includes: 5 x 2-hour sessions and an invite to the ELSA Summer conference or 6 x 2-hour sessions.

To ensure that all ELSAs have a place in one of our supervision groups from September 2024, please fill in the ELSA order form and supervision contract form, specifying how many ELSAs require supervision and stating a preference for supervision day for each ELSA.
