Support organisations

Propel is an online tool for care leavers, providing information on the support available at colleges and universities across the UK. The website includes whether 365-day accommodation is available; what bursaries and grants are on offer; the help and support care leavers can expect; and the details of specific contacts to get in touch with at each institution.

Become, the charity that runs Propel, also provides the Care Advice Line which will be open on results day for any care leavers who have questions about higher education and what they are entitled to.

Unite -offers scholarships and student accommodation to care leavers in partnership with selected universities. Follow the link to make an application.

UCAS provides a specific area on their website detailing undergraduate support for care leavers, including information to help with finance, settling in, and accommodation.

Bright Light is a partnership project helping care leavers to get into Apprenticeships. They offer a range of support for young people including CV writing and interview practise.