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Cognus Education Safeguarding Team’s DSL training offer to schools during the summer term

From 1st April – 23rd July 2021, the Education Safeguarding Team delivered an extensive training package to schools in Sutton.

‘Thank you for the training yesterday. It was very insightful and informative – we certainly learnt a lot and it is great to be a part of such a supportive network!’ (Primary DSL, June 2021)

During the final term of the academic year, Cognus Safeguarding team carried out 6 safeguarding reviews, 11 online safety sessions (reaching 937 pupils), 4 online safety sessions (reaching 232 parents), 3 Prevent training sessions (reaching 71 staff members), 1 Managing Allegations training session (reaching 14 staff members), 1 DSL New to Role training session (reaching 14 DSLs), 1 Safer Recruitment training session (reaching 4 staff members), 2 Safeguarding Awareness for Governors training sessions (reaching 43 Governors), 1 safeguarding awareness training session (reaching 61 staff members) and 5 DSL update sessions (reaching 210 DSLs).

This was a grand total of 38 training sessions delivered to 1644 pupils, staff, parents and governors.  In addition, 16 DSLs from across 14 schools also received group supervision sessions, monthly.

Hayley Cameron, Education Safeguarding Manager was also able to share a visual podcast with DSLs just before the summer break which you can find by clicking on the link here: During the recording, Hayley was able to emphasise the importance of multi-agency working and highlight some of the fantastic work that has been taking place in Sutton since the start of the pandemic.

‘Thank you for sharing.  This is great and so clear. You are so right, good, consistent communication is key and it’s the one thing that keeps me awake at night. The training provided by your team really helps. The impact of your work is huge and is a key element to our successful safeguarding in Sutton’ (Primary DSL, July 2021)

Ongoing, multi-agency training is paramount for DSLs to feel supported.  Regular training also helps to build confidence and understanding regarding new initiatives and key guidance.  It also provides the opportunity to network with others who are in a similar role.

Cognus’ safeguarding training offer for 2021-2022 is now live and available to access by clicking here:

Sutton Partnership – Learning Management System (

To find out more about the team, or how to contact them, please click on the link Safeguarding – Cognus