1. What is a PEP

All children looked-after (CLA) must have a care plan, of which the Personal Education Plan (PEP) is an integral part. The PEP (pre-school, to age 18) should be initiated as part of the care plan.

A PEP meeting must take place each term for every Child Looked After.

It is an evolving record of what needs to happen for children looked-after to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential.

The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the child’s identified educational needs, raises aspirations and builds life chances.

The school, other professionals and the child’s carers should use the PEP to support achieving those things.

The quality of the PEP is the joint responsibility of the local authority that looks after the child and the school. Social workers, carers, Virtual School Headteachers, designated teachers and, as appropriate, other relevant professionals will need to work closely together to ensure every pep meets the quality assurance criteria.

All of those involved in the PEP process should ensure the child is involved (according to understanding and ability).

Please refer to the PEP section of the statutory guidance for more information.

In Sutton, we use eGOV to record all the information needed for a PEP. eGOV is a web based portal which provides the Virtual School, teachers, social workers and other named professionals access to the child’s current and past PEPs.

 2. Foster carer ePEP guidance

PEPs are education plans discussed at a meeting, either held in school or virtually.

They are a Statutory part of the care planning for each child and must take place termly.

They are designed to ensure that all important decisions, about the education of Children Looked After are made jointly by the corporate parents; this includes all professionals supporting the young person, including the social worker.

The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for children looked after, to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential.

At what age do children have a PEP?

In Sutton, all CLA from pre-school (age 2 if accessing a minimum of 15 hours Early Years entitlement, aged 3 if accessing their 15 hours of provision) to age 18 (until the end of Year 13) are required to have a PEP.

Who should initiate the PEP?

The designated teacher and Virtual School jointly have the duty to ensure the PEP takes place within 20 working days of a child or young person coming into care or changing school.

How often should a PEP be completed?

PEPs need to take place once a term, and a review of the PEP should take place termly or more frequently if there is a need.

If a child is new to care or new to the school, a PEP needs to take place within 20 school days and then be reviewed each term.

A PEP can be done at the same time as EHCP reviews (or similar), if this is convenient.

Quality assurance of the PEP

Sutton Virtual school believe that all of our children looked after deserve a high-quality PEP to support them in achieving to their full potential.

Sutton VS will regularly monitor PEPs for Quality Assurance using the above framework. This will help inform us where our children are being well supported by a quality PEP, and also identify any areas in need of improvement.

Who should attend a PEP and what are their responsibilities?

  • Social Worker: Check section A for accuracy.  Completes Section B to update on education, health and care journey and priorities.
  • Young Person (if appropriate): Completes Section E young person’s section with the support of the designated teacher.
  • Designated Teacher: Checks section A for accuracy.  Completes Section E: Young persons section, attendance, suspensions and exclusions, part time timetables and alternative provision, SEND, transition planning, SEMH, attainment levels and progress, designated teacher summary & sign off.
  • Carer/ Key Worker: Completes Section D

The meeting

The PEP should be pre-populated in advance of the meeting to ensure that there is adequate time for high quality discussion to take place in the meeting.

Discussions that take part at the PEP meeting are recorded in Section E: Designated Teacher summary, and this section includes things that have gone well, difficulties and concerns, current support in place, impact of PPP, action log and SMART targets.

The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the child’s identified educational needs, raises aspirations and builds life chances.

The foster carer is responsible for

  • ensuring they attend all PEP meetings
  • ensuring Foster Carer section C in the ePEP is completed in advance of the PEP
  • ensuring a PDF copy of the PEP is shared with the SSW if needed
  • inform Sutton Virtual School education advisor with any emerging educational concerns as early as possible
  • ensure any PEP actions related to the foster carer are completed promptly


Using ePEP for the first time

Sutton Virtual School use eGOV an online ePEP system for PEPs. All the educational information and decision making is recorded within ePEP.

Social workers, foster carers and Designated Teachers access the ePEP system via a login.  When using the system for the first time, you will need to click the green button to register.

Here are details on how to access ePEP for the first time

If you have any concerns, please call eGOV on 0333 772 0944


Download the Foster Carer ePEP handbook  here