Clinical Psychology Service
WHO ARE WE? We are Clinical Psychology Cognus; highly trained specialist clinicians of neurodevelopmental, mental health and research expertise following qualification from a doctoral programme. We have experience working within various clinical settings such as inpatient units at hospitals and within the community. We are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council and are […]Child Employment
Cognus’ Child Employment Service, provided on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton, is for all businesses intending to employ school-aged children. Children are of compulsory school age until the academic year in which they turn 16, and there are laws that cover employment of children under school leaving age. The Child Employment Service ensures […]Autism and Social Communication
Cognus’ Autism Service is an education support service focusing on supporting pupils with social communication difficulties or a diagnosis of autism to access education. We work with education settings including early years, primary and secondary schools and Post-16 settings. Cognus’ Autism Service is a traded service, meaning that settings, individuals or local authorities can buy […]Attendance Support Team
Our Approach Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are broad and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. We recognise that some children find it harder than others to attend school and therefore at all stages of improving attendance, schools, and […]Assisted Travel Service
The Assisted Travel team is a statutory service. We ensure young people can travel to school or college. We ensure they are not prevented from travelling by circumstance, disability or need. We ensure that children can arrive at school ready to learn. The Assisted Travel team receive applications for transport. We assess the needs of […]Family and Children Engagement
Cognus staff want to work together with families. We know how important feeling listened to, supported and understood is. Below are the ways we work with and listen to feedback from young people and families: Cognus Family Voice Membership: Commitment: For more information or to get involved please email: familyvoice@cognus.org.uk #CognusandProud Family Focus newsletter Sign […]Other Information and Guidance
Browse here for Government guidance relating to the children we support. Help at Hand service run by The Children’s Commissioner Promoting the education of children with a social worker (publishing.service.gov.uk) National Advocacy Helpline More coming soon!Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Please refer to the Local Offer for key information. Other resources/ information: Please refer to our Book a Consultation section if you’d like to book a free, SEND-focused consultation to discuss an individual case. Autism and Social Communication Understanding Neurodiversity: A guide to Specific Learning Difficulties Books for trauma & anxiety needs for children & […]Read more on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)