
Children with SEND

Children and young people in care are up to four times more likely to have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) compared to those not in care.  Foster carers can learn about the EHCP application process and SEND admissions by watching the videos below. Admissions for children with an EHCP Accessible screenings Did you know […]

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1. What is a PEP All children looked-after (CLA) must have a care plan, of which the Personal Education Plan (PEP) is an integral part. The PEP (pre-school, to age 18) should be initiated as part of the care plan. A PEP meeting must take place each term for every Child Looked After. It is an evolving […]

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Children with a social worker

Our mission To promote the education of children who have, or have had a social worker (CWSW), so that children are more effectively supported to overcome educational barriers, make good progress and fulfil their educational potential.   How do we promote the education of children with a social worker? Identifying and addressing barriers to education […]

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Support for care leavers

Did you know that there is a lot of support that care leavers can access to help them on the next stage of their journey?  The Sutton care leaver offer is a good website for resources and there are many organisations who can offer support, some are listed on Sutton Virtual School care leaver section. […]

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Excellent Enrichment!

Summer Funday Sutton Virtual School and the Children in Care Council joined up over the summer to hold a Funday for the children, young people and families we work with. We welcomed over 20 families who participated in creating some art pieces, tested their aim with a penalty shootout, tried their hand at learning some […]

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