The Sound of The Virtual School
Over the half term Sutton Virtual School and Sutton Music Service collaborated and ran our first Beginners Producing Music Sessions! It was great to see the students engaging so well with the sessions. Over the three day course, students learned how to use the Sound Trap software by first looking at the basics, creating a […]The Education of Children Looked After: Sutton Virtual School Annual Report 2020
The Virtual School Annual Report describes how Sutton Virtual School works closely with foster carers, social workers and schools to help improve the education of our Children Looked After. In order to see the other ways in which Sutton’s Children Looked After have been supported, watch the short summary video (https://youtu.be/jmDVLdEVzck ) Sutton’s Children Looked […]Read more on The Education of Children Looked After: Sutton Virtual School Annual Report 2020
Palace For Life Foundation – Traineeship Programme for NEETs
Please see the initiative below for NEETs with Palace for Life Foundation. Open days will be held the week beginning the 15th of February 2020 over Zoom, giving you an overview of the programme and an insight into the training and qualifications you will benefit from. Palace for life Education, Training and Employment: PL PFA […]Read more on Palace For Life Foundation – Traineeship Programme for NEETs
Good News Stories -2020
Virtual Headteacher completes Virtual London Marathon Kate Leyshon, Sutton Virtual Headteacher completed the 26.2 miles of the Virtual London Marathon to raise awareness of the importance of healthy active lifestyles for our young people. Please watch the short video. The event raised over £1000 which will be used to put on some sports based enrichment […]Latest Update from the Children in Care Council
Although lockdown has had its challenges we have adapted and will continue to run our online activities for Sutton Children in Care Council. You can look forward to baking events, online quizzes and much more over the coming year. We are also looking forward to being able to meet in person again in 2021. We […]Read more on Latest Update from the Children in Care Council