The Law relating to EHE
The government’s aim is to ensure all children and young people receive world-class education which allows them to reach their potential, and live a more fulfilled life regardless of background, in a safe environment. Educating children at home, works well when it is a positive choice and carried out with proper regard for the needs […]Health and Safeguarding
As a service acting on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton, we are committed to protecting and safeguarding children and young people and ensuring that children and families can access help and support when they need it most. Health and immunisations Health information, checks and immunisation are available for electively home educated children via […]Reporting and Safeguarding
As a service acting on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton, we are committed to protecting and safeguarding children and young people and ensuring that children and families can access help and support when they need it most. Local Authorities have the same safeguarding responsibilities for children educated at home that they would for […]Parents – Home educating a child with an EHCP
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the home education provided should be appropriate for their special educational needs or disabilities. However, this does not mean that you must provide everything previously provided by the school. Your child may still be able to access physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language […]Children looked after and EHE
DfE Statutory Guidance makes clear that the Virtual School Head Teacher is the educational advocate for children looked after just as parents are to other children. Children that are looked after cannot be electively home educated without the agreement of the Local Authority (via the Virtual School Head Teacher) as Corporate Parent for that child. Local […]EHE process
Cognus recognises that home education is a key aspect of parental choice. EHE is equal, in law, to education provided in school. Our processes are designed to be supportive and non-intrusive whilst enabling Cognus to carry out is statutory duties. Registering EHE When a notification is received that a child(ren) are have chosen EHE, Cognus […]Schools – Home education for a child with an EHCP
If the child attends a special school, the parent must get permission from the local authority before you can remove them from the school roll. There is no equivalent requirement for children with an EHC Plan who attend a mainstream school; the parents of a child may withdraw him or her without the local authority’s […]Read more on Schools – Home education for a child with an EHCP