
How EPs support professional development in schools, services and organisations

• EPs deliver training to parents, teachers, teaching assistants, other professionals and students to support key areas. Please click on the link to the CPD training menu.• EPs provide supervision to professionals such as ELSA, CPD supervision groups, teachers, TAs or senior leadership.• EPs deliver therapeutic intervention to individual children or groups such as cognitive […]

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Supporting the emotional wellbeing of refugee students in schools

Aimee Rolls, Trainee Educational Psychologist, Cognus Educational Psychology Service & UCL’s IOE The session focuses on how school staff can support the emotional wellbeing of children with a refugee background using a psychosocial approach, looking at how we can: The training provides a space for reflection for staff to focus on these areas and how […]

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EOTAS and The Law

All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to a full-time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude, and any special educational needs they may have. Parents of children of compulsory school age have a duty under section 7 of the Education Act 1996 to secure suitable full-time education for them, either by regular […]

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Principals and Service User Eligibility

Principals Key principals: Cognus will be responsible for arranging the educational provision for children and young people of compulsory school age who may not receive a suitable education unless such arrangements are made for them. Examples of where this may be required include: Inclusion and SEN Support Cognus will provide support in exceptional circumstances where […]

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EY SEND Resources

Request for Support – EY SEND Team (Apr 23) Blank Individual Plan Apr 23 EYGR – TOOLKIT FOR SETTING Spring 23 EYFSGR – Document for Families – March 23 Specialist Funding Evaluation Form Specialist Funding Request – Provision Map Cohort Funding Request – Provision Map

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For Children

Children’s Voice The Paving the Way team are excited to launch the first edition of ‘The Paving the Way Post’ – A newspaper for children written by children. Students at Stanley Park Junior School worked hard on producing the first edition. If you would like your school to be a part of this fantastic project please email […]

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