SACRE Support
Cognus is commissioned by the London Borough of Sutton to maintain a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) on their behalf. Sutton’s SACRE provides advice to local authority school’s (not including Voluntary Aided or Voluntary Controlled Schools) on all aspects of its provision for Religious Education (RE), including: For SACRE’s annual reports and meeting […]SEND Support
Meeting our service The service is made up Head of SEND Support, the Early Years and Sensory Impairment Teams. The service works with schools and families to support children and young people with additional needs, who do not have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). This support can be in many different forms. It can […]Elective Home Education
Elective Home Education (EHE) is a term used to describe a choice by parents to provide education for their children at home – or at home and in some other way that they choose, rather than sending them to school. Parents have a responsibility to make sure that their child is educated. Most children attend […]Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology is the practice of applying psychological theories and ideas to the difficulties that can arise for pupils, teachers, families and schools. The Educational Psychologists in Cognus work with children and young people (0-25 years), families, schools and other practitioners to encourage the educational and social development and emotional well-being of children and young […]Education Other Than at School – EOTAS
EOTAS stands for Education Otherwise than at School. All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to a full-time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude, and any special educational needs they may have. The Council has a duty under section 436A of the Education Act 1996 to identify children who are of compulsory […]Early Years (including SEND)
Cognus’ Early Years team supports and advises PVI settings – Pre-schools, Day Nurseries and Childminders and Early Years provision in Schools. By working closely with the Early Years sector and promoting good Early Years practice we aim to ensure that all children benefit from high quality provision. We provide support by carrying out advisory visits, […]Local Offer
Sutton’s Local Offer Website: for all your SEND information needs. The Local Offer has two key purposes:• To provide clear and accessible information about the support and opportunities available locally. These include education, health and social care.• To make provision more responsive to local needs and hopes. This includes involving children and young people with […]Early Intervention and Identification (Paving the Way)
Cognus’ Paving the Way service is made up of a multi-disciplinary team. The team provides support for children and young people with a range of difficulties, including social communication, attention and concentration, and anxiety. The Paving the Way service is made up of two elements: early intervention and identification. Element 1: Early Intervention ServiceThis element of […]Read more on Early Intervention and Identification (Paving the Way)