Children with a social worker
Our mission To promote the education of children who have, or have had a social worker (CWSW), so that children are more effectively supported to overcome educational barriers, make good progress and fulfil their educational potential. How do we promote the education of children with a social worker? Identifying and addressing barriers to education – […]Excellent Enrichment!
Summer Funday Sutton Virtual School and the Children in Care Council joined up over the summer to hold a Funday for the children, young people and families we work with. We welcomed over 20 families who participated in creating some art pieces, tested their aim with a penalty shootout, tried their hand at learning some […]University online taster sessions 2021
Want to find out what it’s like to study at University (from home)? Interested in something but not sure if you want to study it further? Your school summer holiday is a good time to broaden your horizons and take part in an online event run by a UK university. Online Taster Sessions and Summer […]Powerful film unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people
Professionals working with Sutton’s children looked after had the opportunity to view the critically acclaimed short film ‘Be-Longing’ directed by Mike McKenzie. Sutton Virtual School staff who watched the film were impressed at the emotional and poignant story of a child in care. The film skilfully challenges professionals to continually consider the impact of decision […]Read more on Powerful film unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people
Sutton VS launches ESOL Summer School 2021
We are excited to announce that this year Sutton Virtual School will be running an ESOL Summer School, hosted by Just Learn, for our Sutton UASC. We would like to prioritise students whose English is still at a basic level but numbers permitting, we will try to accommodate any UASC that wishes to take part. […]Sutton’s children gain the benefits of a financial education
Children under the care of Sutton are benefitting from access to high quality financial education to help them develop the necessary skills and understanding to support them financially in their future adult lives. The need to for children in care to receive financial education was recently highlighted by Vicky Ford MP when she said, “Care […]Read more on Sutton’s children gain the benefits of a financial education