Read about the difference a Senior Therapy Assistant has made to engagement with a young person in their SaLT sessions
Gitty joined the Cognus Therapies Post 16 Speech and Language team in December 2020 and is already an integral part of the team. As we were, and still are in the middle of a pandemic, she has yet to meet any of the team or the students on her caseload face to face. She delivers both 1:1 and group sessions under the supervision of a […]Revised EYFS Framework – Team share good practice across the borough
It has been fantastic to share good practice across the borough recently, during one of our training opportunities for the new Revised EYFS Framework. Ideas such as utilising cooking for maths opportunities and how to make your role-plays more true to life, including how to support children’s transition using real things, for example school uniform, PE kits […]Read more on Revised EYFS Framework – Team share good practice across the borough
Good news on Sutton Schools attendance and absence figures
Schools have faced very uncertain times since the pandemic hit us last year. Nobody knew how lockdowns and long school closures would affect school attendance and persistent absences in schools – we were truly in unprecedented times. In May 2021 the DfE released data for the Autumn term 2020. This term coincided with the reopening of schools on 1 […]Read more on Good news on Sutton Schools attendance and absence figures
Supporting Professionals working in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Arena
New and innovative approaches to safeguarding ensure children and young people in Sutton continue to receive the highest levels of protection from harm. In May 2021, the Wood Report was published. This is a sector expert review of new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (Wood, May 2021). In his review, Wood acknowledges the challenges of the last […]Read more on Supporting Professionals working in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Arena
Sutton Schools rise to the Challenge
The last fifteen months have provided challenges for our schools. Daily, school leaders and their staff have had to adapt their working environments and practices to keep their staff, pupils and parents safe; whilst providing quality learning experiences for those pupils in school and those at home. The nature of Covid-19 and the Government’s understanding of coping with […]Update from Visually Impaired Service regarding transitions
This year, we have an unusually high number of VI transition young people – 10 to be exact. Visits to new settings have been, and are being completed, some are weekly, some are fortnightly, dependent on the needs of the individual and orientation around their new settings has been enjoyed by all. The team were […]Read more on Update from Visually Impaired Service regarding transitions
Budding Picassos amongst Sutton’s Traveller children
The Traveller Education Service received some amazing entries to their art competition in celebration of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month (GRTHM) in June. The children produced such colourful and interesting portrayals of ‘What they are most proud of / love about being a Traveller.’ The winners from each of the four age categories received […]Read more on Budding Picassos amongst Sutton’s Traveller children
Paving the Way partner with Leo Academy Trust to provide support and advice for parents
During May half term, The Paving the Way team piloted an exciting new project with Leo Academy Trust, to provide support and advice for parents of children facing new and ongoing challenges. The project is just the start of a range of new support surgeries and workshops for parents and children across the borough. We […]Read more on Paving the Way partner with Leo Academy Trust to provide support and advice for parents
Powerful film viewing unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people
Professionals working with Sutton’s children looked after had the opportunity to view the critically acclaimed short film ‘Be-Longing’ directed by Mike McKenzie. Sutton Virtual School staff who watched the film were impressed at the emotional and poignant story of a child in care. The film skilfully challenges professionals to continually consider the impact of decision […]Read more on Powerful film viewing unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people