Local Resolution events in July
Cognus are holding a series of events to promote routes for local resolution for parents and carers. The aim of these sessions, is to support families to have the right conversations at the right time, to improve communication and outcomes for children, young people and families at the earliest opportunity. Sessions will be held: 9th […]Measuring the Financial Capability of 4, 5 and 6 Year old Children
Nicholas English from the Educational Psychology Service was commissioned by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), to be a part of a workshop exploring what is possible, in terms of measuring and recording financial capability and meaningful financial education for children of four, five and six years of age and their primary carers. This […]Read more on Measuring the Financial Capability of 4, 5 and 6 Year old Children
Cognus Education Safeguarding Manager visits the KMTV Studios at The University of Kent (Medway)
On May 28th, Hayley Cameron, Education Safeguarding Manager, was invited along to the KMTV Studio in Medway, to record a visual podcast on the topic of learning from serious case reviews, with a focus on multi-agency working. With poor multi-agency working being referenced time and time again within child protection cases and serious case reviews, […]Supporting practitioners and parents to meet the needs of young people with SEND in Sutton’s education settings
“It’s the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest, most misunderstood roles in a school.” – Helen Curran, Bath Spa University. SENCOs and parents now have access to a new resource to provide guidance and information for those working to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND in […]Traveller Pupil is top of the class!
As part of an initiative funded by the Department for Education in response to Covid-19, St Elphege’s RC Infant School were offered access to a programme called Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI). The programme is designed for Reception pupils and involves providing targeted small group and one-to-one support for children who would benefit from additional support with their language […]Hearing Impairment Service opening up
This half term, the HI service have been enjoying being back out on home visits. Prior to this, we were only back in schools. Being back in the homes, working with our babies and families, has been wonderful, feeling almost normal! It was super to see one of our almost 2 year old’s, who had not been […]Making Music with Students with PMLD
Sutton Music Service’s mission is to provide access to music in all its forms for every young person in the borough. With support and training from Open Orchestras, SMS has been working with Sherwood Park School (an all-age foundation special school) to create an orchestra accessible to young disabled people. The sessions take place each […]Executive functions: emotional control and response inhibition
Sasha-Gay Brown (Trauma and Attachment Advisor, Virtual School) and Dr Kate Payne (Educational Psychologist) introduce two components of executive functions: emotional control and response inhibition. ‘Emotional control’ is the capacity to manage emotions and feelings to respond appropriately. ‘Response inhibition’ is the capacity to think before acting. Some children or young people may have difficulty […]Read more on Executive functions: emotional control and response inhibition
Partnership training boost for the next generation of music teachers
Future secondary school music teachers, working towards their Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) year in their first teaching post have been supported in their development by Sutton Music Service, lead partner in the Sutton Music Education Hub. Since 2019, Sutton Music Service has been working with the Music PGCE team at Sutton SCITT and Roehampton University […]Read more on Partnership training boost for the next generation of music teachers