Collaborative working between the SEND team, families and Early Years, sees many primary school placements confirmed
During May, the SEND Team have been liaising with all our families with children due to start their primary school journey this September. We have been on hand to answer questions and provide support following our internal Early Years Panel. The panel welcomes all professionals who know the children well, as well as the Head […]Working as a team to support an autistic young person with anxiety
For some young people, the lockdown exacerbated situations that were already difficult, meaning they then reached breaking point. The Autism Service works closely with schools to support the young person, family and the setting, to problem solve and try and make a positive difference. With one young person, this meant working closely as a team around the child and […]Read more on Working as a team to support an autistic young person with anxiety
Education Untapped Podcast – NEET
Sutton Virtual School is pleased to release the highly anticipated NEET podcast, as we observe Foster Carer Fortnight, commencing May 14th to May 21st. In part 1 and 2 of this episode, we are joined by a previously Sutton NEET young person, Caroline Ekoku, Joseph Amuah (P4YE) and Bianca Powell-Norris. In this session, they discuss […]Executive functions: working memory and attention
Dr Lisa Carmody and Dr Kate Payne (Educational Psychologists) introduce two components of executive functions: working memory and attention. ‘Working memory’ is the capacity to hold in mind information to carry out a task. ‘Sustained attention’ is the capacity to pay attention to a task, despite low interest or distractions. Some children or young people […]Read more on Executive functions: working memory and attention
Cognus Outdoor Education Adviser sees educational visits starting to return
A month after the return to school for the majority of children, the DfE amended their guidance to allow schools to undertake ‘day visits’ again from the 12th April. This news was hugely welcome as other than a few visits during the autumn term, these have been unable to take place for most of the last year. Educational […]Read more on Cognus Outdoor Education Adviser sees educational visits starting to return
Raising the aspirations for Sutton’s Children Looked After and Care Leavers
Sutton Virtual School is working with Widening Participation teams at Solent University and St. George’s Hospital to raise aspirations for Sutton’s Children Looked After and Care Leavers. We are supporting a series of workshops designed to help young people into University, including information for Refugees and Asylum Seekers on the 19th May and a Care […]Read more on Raising the aspirations for Sutton’s Children Looked After and Care Leavers
School Improvement Coaching programme in partnership with TT Education
The School Improvement team appreciate the tremendous job our school leaders do every day, to create a better future for the children and young people within Sutton. This has never been a small task. However, during the past year, the demands of Covid-19 have put them and their teams under intense pressure, significantly increasing their […]Read more on School Improvement Coaching programme in partnership with TT Education
Executive functions: Introduction
Sasha-Gay Brown (Trauma and Attachment Advisor, Virtual School) and Dr Kate Payne (Educational Psychologist) introduce the executive function and trauma series. Executive function is an umbrella term for the interrelated cognitive processes involved in executing a task. It helps to monitor and control our thoughts and actions. Some children and young people may have had […]SIASS, Working collaboratively to listen and intervene to support families
“Family willing to rebuild trust…. One of the most important things is training and understanding.” -Mum SIASS (Sutton Information Advice and Support Service) recently received a phone call from a mother distressed by her child’s home learning arrangement. She expressed that she was afraid that the child would become aggressive towards the tutor or damage […]Read more on SIASS, Working collaboratively to listen and intervene to support families