Education Safeguarding Team hold end of year network event for Designated Safeguarding Leads at Cantium House
On 13th July 2023, the Education Safeguarding Team held an end of year network event for Designated Safeguarding Leads at Cantium House. I look forward to attending this event each year. You get to chat to the team, meet new people and share experiences. I always come away with new ideas and resources (Secondary DSL, […]SaLTA supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds.
Maria Fitzgerald (Speech and Language Therapy Senior Assistant, SaLTA) supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds. Maria Fitzgerald (SaLTA) worked with staff at Foresters Primary School to purchase Large Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Core vocabulary boards for each playground area within ‘The Opportunity Base’ and early years. This approach supports children and young […]Read more on SaLTA supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds.
Cognus Education Safeguarding Team take an unexpected trip down memory lane
Two members of the Education Safeguarding Team – Mick Bradshaw and Hayley Cameron have recently received some comments that relate to jobs that they had in Sutton before becoming part of Cognus. ‘Never underestimate the impact that you can have on the life of a child’ (Jaz Ampaw-Farr, The power of everyday heroes, TEDxNorwichED Mick […]Read more on Cognus Education Safeguarding Team take an unexpected trip down memory lane