On the 10th of May 2022, the Education Safeguarding Team led training on a new online reporting tool called MyConcern. MyConcern was created and developed by child protection experts, with backgrounds in education, social care, and policing. MyConcern allows anyone responsible for the protection of children, young people, and adults at risk to easily manage and record all safeguarding and wellbeing concerns. It helps to protect those at risk by allowing early intervention using a trusted, secure, and intuitive platform. It provides Designated Safeguarding Leads with the peace of mind by meeting the statutory, legal, and moral obligations to those they have in their care.
‘This is so much easier to use, and I can report the concern straight away from my phone or laptop. I also get an immediate notification to say that my concern has been logged and that is reassuring’ (Therapies Team)
This has immediately taken off to a great start with several concerns being reported on a daily basis, some quite concerning- and needing urgent action. To date we have had 18 concerns reported (10th-27th May).
Cognus staff have been quick to pick up on this system, with concerns being reported well and in a timely manner. The risks are assessed by the safeguarding team and decisions made on next steps, again, staff have been quick to further action these and taken advice where required.
This is still very much work in progress, but well done to all Cognus staff, in particular the ones who have taken the time to record concerns on the system.
It is imperative that concerns reported are an accurate record of what has happened and in some cases what has been said, so can we ask that you continue to furnish us with the full details of any conversations had with the parent/ guardian and or the child/ young person, as these not only help us to assess the risk and next steps, but also hold that important record for ourselves individually and as a company.
Well done everyone and thank you again.