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Sutton Schools rise to the Challenge  

The last fifteen months have provided challenges for our schools. Daily, school leaders and their staff have had to adapt their working environments and practices to keep their staff, pupils and parents safe; whilst providing quality learning experiences for those pupils in school and those at home.   The nature of Covid-19 and the Government’s understanding of coping with […]

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Update from Visually Impaired Service regarding transitions

This year, we have an unusually high number of VI transition young people – 10 to be exact. Visits to new settings have been, and are being completed, some are weekly, some are fortnightly, dependent on the needs of the individual and orientation around their new settings has been enjoyed by all. The team were […]

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Budding Picassos amongst Sutton’s Traveller children

The Traveller Education Service received some amazing entries to their art competition in celebration of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month (GRTHM) in June. The children produced such colourful and interesting portrayals of ‘What they are most proud of / love about being a Traveller.’ The winners from each of the four age categories received […]

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Paving the Way partner with Leo Academy Trust to provide support and advice for parents

During May half term, The Paving the Way team piloted an exciting new project with Leo Academy Trust, to provide support and advice for parents of children facing new and ongoing challenges. The project is just the start of a range of new support surgeries and workshops for parents and children across the borough. We […]

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Powerful film viewing unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people

Professionals working with Sutton’s children looked after had the opportunity to view the critically acclaimed short film ‘Be-Longing’ directed by Mike McKenzie.  Sutton Virtual School staff who watched the film were impressed at the emotional and poignant story of a child in care.  The film skilfully challenges professionals to continually consider the impact of decision […]

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Measuring the Financial Capability of 4, 5 and 6 Year old Children 

Nicholas English from the Educational Psychology Service was commissioned by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), to be a part of a workshop exploring what is possible, in terms of measuring and recording financial capability and meaningful financial education for children of four, five and six years of age and their primary carers.   This […]

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Cognus Education Safeguarding Manager visits the KMTV Studios at The University of Kent (Medway)

On May 28th, Hayley Cameron, Education Safeguarding Manager, was invited along to the KMTV Studio in Medway, to record a visual podcast on the topic of learning from serious case reviews, with a focus on multi-agency working. With poor multi-agency working being referenced time and time again within child protection cases and serious case reviews, […]

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Supporting practitioners and parents to meet the needs of young people with SEND in Sutton’s education settings

“It’s the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest, most misunderstood roles in a school.” – Helen Curran, Bath Spa University. SENCOs and parents now have access to a new resource to provide guidance and information for those working to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND in […]

Read more on Supporting practitioners and parents to meet the needs of young people with SEND in Sutton’s education settings