
Speech and Language Therapist helps to build staff members’ confidence working with traumatised young people.

One of our speech and language therapists, Jessica Wood, delivered a training to staff working in Glenthorne High School’s Special Educational Needs (SEND) department in May 2023. The topic was “Understanding and supporting young people with complex trauma in school”. Jess asked the staff members to rate their knowledge and confidence of working with young […]

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Speech and Language Therapist supports a pupil using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to give her a voice

Morgane Blake (Speech and Language Therapist) supports a pupil using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to give her a voice Morgane began working with a pupil at Green Lane Primary in late 2021, shortly after she joined reception. The pupil had recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). When Morgane initially began working with […]

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Education Safeguarding Team hold end of year network event for Designated Safeguarding Leads at Cantium House

On 13th July 2023, the Education Safeguarding Team held an end of year network event for Designated Safeguarding Leads at Cantium House. I look forward to attending this event each year.  You get to chat to the team, meet new people and share experiences.  I always come away with new ideas and resources (Secondary DSL, […]

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SaLTA supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds.

Maria Fitzgerald (Speech and Language Therapy Senior Assistant, SaLTA) supports core vocabulary communication boards in school playgrounds. Maria Fitzgerald (SaLTA) worked with staff at Foresters Primary School to purchase Large Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Core vocabulary boards for each playground area within ‘The Opportunity Base’ and early years. This approach supports children and young […]

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Cognus Education Safeguarding Team take an unexpected trip down memory lane

Two members of the Education Safeguarding Team – Mick Bradshaw and Hayley Cameron have recently received some comments that relate to jobs that they had in Sutton before becoming part of Cognus. ‘Never underestimate the impact that you can have on the life of a child’ (Jaz Ampaw-Farr, The power of everyday heroes, TEDxNorwichED Mick […]

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Cognus Education Safeguarding Team hold Primary to Secondary transfer of safeguarding information event

Cognus Education Safeguarding Team hold Primary to Secondary transfer of safeguarding information event at The Chaucer Centre On 29th June 2023, the Education Safeguarding Team held a Primary to Secondary transfer of safeguarding information event at The Chaucer Centre. ‘It is so reassuring to meet one another face-to-face and share vital safeguarding information that will […]

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Speech and Language Therapy Senior Assistant (SaLTA), supports child with Selective Mutism

Maria Fitzgerald (SaLTA) underwent training in Selective Mutism to support children and young people in Sutton. After attending the training, ‘Selective Mutism-Small steps’ programme Maria is using the knowledge, skills and practices to support a regular ‘small steps’ programme at least 3 times a week with a child and their Teaching Assistant (TA). During attending […]

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How to make a difference to a child’s access to learning and participation through the recommendation of specialist seating

A child with Down Syndrome who Paige supports has made significant progress in her classroom engagement thanks to the implementation of supportive seating. As an occupational therapist, the focus is on helping children to participate in the activities that are important to them. This includes everything from self-care tasks, such as dressing and eating,  play […]

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Cognus Therapies trains 28 members of school staff across 10 Secondary Schools in Sutton, once a week for 10 weeks

Tamara Rainsley (SaLT) and Alex Porter (SaLT) have delivered the accredited ELKLAN training to 28 member of school staff across the Sutton Local Authority. This training was hosted by Harris Academy, Sutton and ran from the 22nd February to the 7th June 2023. The purpose of the training is to develop educational staff to support […]

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Cognus Education Safeguarding Team deliver training for staff in the SEND Service – promoting cross-team collaboration.

On 3rd May, Steve Welding (E-Safety Advisor) and Hayley Cameron (Education Safeguarding Manager) from the Education Safeguarding Team were invited along to attend the ‘SEND Wednesday Workshop’. They delivered training to 17 members of staff from the SEND Service, which focused on the importance of professional curiosity. The team were able to talk through some […]

Read more on Cognus Education Safeguarding Team deliver training for staff in the SEND Service – promoting cross-team collaboration.