Maria Fitzgerald (Speech and Language Therapy Assistant, SaLTA) is sharing a weekly Makaton sign to all school staff.

The Head Teacher at Foresters Primary Opportunity Base is supporting a universal approach through supporting The Speech and Language Therapies team to up skill all staff by modelling a Makaton sign in every assembly, each week.
Posters have been displayed each week around the school’s main areas and in staff rooms to teach staff the individual Makaton sign and to remind staff to use Makaton to support understanding visually and to be inclusive.
Staff at Foresters Primary Opportunity Base have been trained on using Makaton and the rationale behind this. Our pupils use Makaton across their daily lives at school and their vocabulary in this area is growing considerably.
It is fantastic to see Makaton used as a whole school approach within the base, and it is at the forefront of communication.
Please speak to your school speech and language therapist to find out how Makaton can be used to support children and young people across their everyday life.
Link to Makaton question signs /words in literacy lessons