Attendance Support for Professionals

How we work with you 

We work in close partnership with our colleagues in Early Help, social care and the Virtual School in order to provide a holistic approach to improving issues and challenges with school attendance using a multi-agency approach. All Sutton Schools have an allocated officer within the Cognus Attendance Support Team, who are linked with wider services in order to ensure a full understanding of the support needs of children and families. This can be around formal attendance procedures within schools such as devising joint Attendance Contracts, as well as more formal procedures such as Education Supervision Orders. We also work closely with the Virtual School when concerns are raised around attendance for children with a social worker and/or Children Looked After, attending Virtual School consultations with schools for children where additional advice and support is required.  

Our Education Welfare Officers attend the Vulnerable Pupil Panels as part of the multi-agency response that provides advice on complex cases where additional support is required.