Complex Attendance Panel

Our Purpose

Nationally as well as locally there has been an increase in school absence, we recognise the need for a coordinated multi-agency approach to tackle issues through identification and support both at an operational and strategic level.

The aim of the panel is two-fold:

  1. To be a mechanism for schools/partners to gain access to advice and support from multi-agency professionals regardless of whether the case ordinarily meets usual thresholds and receive support to move ‘stuck’ cases forward.
  2. To identify any thematic issues that may require systemic/strategic change and escalate these with relevant partners, with the view to adapt and develop local area policy and practice.

Referral Criteria

The attendance panel will consider cases that meet all the following criteria and that have been deemed as appropriate by an attendance triage;

Referrers may usually submit one referral per school, per panel for a child in a Sutton School who is of statutory school age. A referral with multiple siblings or household members, and/or from multiple settings, where attendance is an issue will be considered as one referral.

  • There is no multi-agency involvement as the case doesn’t meet thresholds/has been closed.
  • OR
  • Cases where there is multi-agency involvement, but the case is still not progressing.
  • Where it has been agreed that a penalty notice or other legal interventions are not appropriate or have not been successful.

Parent/ Guardian consent

As this panel does involve third party agencies and services, parent/ guardian consent is required for us to be able to share information. This Attendance Referral Consent Disclaimer has to be agreed with the pupils parent/ guardian before we are able to accept a case.

Terms of Reference

You can find the current terms of reference here, following our recent evaluation of this panel’s pilot the terms of reference are currently under review, and will be updated shortly.

Panel Process

Should your referral be taken forward to panel, you will be allocated a 15 minute time slot to join (please only join at this time) to discuss the case with the multi-agency panel.

Due to the length of the time slots, we ask for as much information on the referral form as possible. The time you are given can then be used effectively towards resolving concerns rather than clarifying information or recommending interventions and approaches that have already been used. A complete referral will also increase the chance of it being taken forward to the next panel. 


Our Referral form is currently OPEN, for the Spring 2 panel referrals, this form will close on 12th March.

Dates for panels during Spring and Summer term 24/25

Date: 3rd February

Time: 13:30 start

4 Week review date: 3rd March

Termly review date: End of Summer term 25



Date: 24th March

Time: TBC

4 Week review date: 6th May

Termly review date: End of Summer term 25

Date: 12th May

Time: TBC

4 Week review date: 16th June

Termly review date: End of Autumn term 25

Date: 30th June

Time: TBC

4 Week review date: 21st July (not 4 weeks, however this allows a review before the end of term)

Termly review date: End of Autumn term 25