Further Resources

You can find here a range of resources that could support you in your role as a parent or carer of a child.

Sutton Information Hub is a website that is being developed to provide residents with a single place to find information about local groups, clubs, services and support relevant to them.

Home | Sutton Information Hub

Sutton Council’s webpage for children and families holds details of local services and support including mental health and wellbeing services for children and young people, the Family Information Service and Sutton’s Local Offer which details local services and support for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities (SEND).

The Cognus website also has a range of resources for parents for a wide range of subjects including Autism support and parent guides from the Paving the Way, early intervention service.

Educational Wellbeing Service

The Educational Wellbeing Service offer webinars for all parents in Sutton on a range of topics further information for the 23-24 academic year can be found on the Primary and Secondary posters.

The service also have a YouTube channel with a range of information and guidance videos for parents and young people.

Cognus’ Traveller Education Service works with Gypsy Roma and Traveller children, young people and families in both Sutton and Merton to promote and support improved access to education.

They use a multi-agency approach to make sure education settings support those with Traveller ethnicity to access and fully engage with services available to them. Visit their pages to find out how they can help with your attendance concerns.

Parenting support

The London Borough of Sutton offers parenting support including parenting programmes and can direct you to support groups. For more information email parenting@sutton.gov.uk

Sutton also offers its residents access to online parenting support through the Solihull Approach for free by using the access code ‘TREE’. Click here to find out more.

The NSPCC has a range of resources and information to support parents on their website.

Family Lives is a national charity that provides advice for all aspects of family life

BBC Bitesize – Parents’ Toolkit is the place for mums, dads and the whole parenting community to find stories, expert advice and fun activities that will help you support your child in a changing world.

Carers support

Sutton Carers Centre have groups which provide mutual peer support, information sharing and an opportunity to meet with people who may have similar experiences.

Bereavement Support

For support around loss and bereavement, contact Cruse Bereavement Support to access their helpline, speak to a grief counsellor or for information on supporting children and young people at this difficult time.

Jigsaw4U has a Pre and Post Bereavement support project. You can be referred or contact them to refer your child or your family.

Mental Health Support

Off the Record provide support to children and their parent and carers in Sutton.

MindEd for Families provides advice about young people’s mental health that has been created by experts and parents together.

Parents’ Toolkit from BBC Bitesize has Wellbeing tips for parents to help you support a healthy, happy childhood – with advice on food, sleep, mindfulness, as well as ways to look after you and your child’s mental health.

Sutton Uplift is an integrated community based mental health and wellbeing hub which is accessible to anyone over the age of 18 living in the borough of Sutton or registered with a Sutton GP.

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

You can visit Cognus Educational Psychology resources page, read their EBSA guidance for parentsBBC Bitesize and Young Minds hold further information about this topic under the previously used name of school refusal.

Some children and parents can find separating difficult, especially after a school break or a long period of time at home following an illness. More parents and children experienced this difficulty following the local and national lockdowns during the recent pandemic. To support the return to school Suffolk County Council has further information on EBSA, including resources to use with your children.

Coping with Change and Transitions

Young Minds have an area on their website to support parents help their children cope with change and some key tips. Further tips can be found here.

Domestic Abuse

Sutton have a Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop and get the support you need. Free drop-in advice service for domestic abuse victims at all risk levels.

Female clients only – One Stop Shop, Sutton Baptist Church, 21 Cheam Road, Sutton SM1 1SN. Open: Any Wednesday, 9.30 – 11.30 or by appointment

Male clients only – One Stop Shop, Masonic Hall 9 Grove Road, Sutton SM1 1BT Open: Every 3rd Thursday of the month, 10am-1pm

You can find out more information by contacting Transform Sutton – 020 8092 7569 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or email transformsutton@cranstoun.org.uk

Sutton Council’s website holds a list of domestic abuse services available to people in the borough and Sutton Women’s Centre has information and programmes available for women experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.


For information for parents about safeguarding, look at our safeguarding page