Outdoor Education

Cognus Outdoor Education service comes under the umbrella of the Safeguarding service, and provides training and support for schools and educational settings to enable them to plan, deliver and manage outdoor activities and off-site visits that meet their legal responsibilities, their duties set out in government statutory guidance and that conform to established best practice.

We do this through:

  • Training, support and guidance for Education Visits Coordinators and Senior Leadership teams in schools
  • Ongoing guidance, advice and support by phone or email
  • Training updates and dissemination of key learning (ongoing CPD) for/ to Educational Visits Coordinators
  • Bespoke on-demand training to school staff (visit leaders), senior leadership, and governors
  • Support in ensuring appropriate policies, risk assessments and procedures are in place
  • Review and approval of arrangements in place for visits that include an overnight stay (residential), overseas destination or adventurous activity/ activities

Mick Bradshaw, Adviser for Outdoor Education

mick.bradshaw@cognus.org.uk or 07736 338471