DSL Supervision Survey Evaluation – 2021-2022
- 8 responses
How useful have you found the DSL supervision sessions?
4/8 – 5 (Extremely useful)
3/8 – 4
1/8 – 3
Will you be requesting to continue attending DSL supervision sessions next year?
5/8 – Yes
2/8 – No
1/8 – Maybe
Please comment on the factors below:
Safeguarding advice from the Education Safeguarding Manager:
Very helpful – 87.5%
Helpful – 12.5%
Psychological supervision from the EP:
Very helpful – 62.5%
Helpful – 25%
Neither helpful/unhelpful – 12.5%
Suggestions and ideas from other DSLs:
Very helpful – 50%
Helpful – 37.5%
Neither helpful/unhelpful – 12.5%
Support from those in the group:
Very helpful – 50%
Helpful – 37.5%
Neither helpful/unhelpful – 12.5%
The chance to self-reflect:
Very helpful – 37.5%
Helpful – 50%
Neither helpful/unhelpful – 12.5%
Follow up support if needed:
Very helpful – 62.5%
Helpful – 37.5%
How would you like the sessions to be offered next year?
Online – 6/8
In person in an office – 1/8
In person in a school – 1/8
For 2022/2023 we will go with the majority and sessions will continue online. We will also offer a face-to-face session half-way through.
For 2023-2024 we will continue with the above and introduce more face-face sessions if need changes.
How long should the sessions be?
An hour is enough -8/8
For 2022/2023 our sessions will continue to be an hour long.
For 2023-2024 our sessions will continue to be an hour long.
Does the current timing of 8:30-9:30 suit you well?
Yes – 3/8
No – 1/8
Sometimes – 4/8
For 2022/2023 we went with the majority and sessions will be held from 8.30-9.30am. An alternative time that would suit everyone could not be arranged.
For 2023-2024 we will put forward 8-9am unless need changes.
What would be your ideal time for sessions?
Before school – 4
Mid-morning – 2
Lunchtime – 0
Afternoon – 0
After school – 2
For 2022/2023 sessions will continue to be held from 8.30-9.30am.
For 2023-2024 we will put forward 8-9am unless need changes.
How do you feel the group size (8-10)?
Groups are a good size – 7/8
Groups should be smaller – 1/8
For 2022/2023 there will be a maximum of 10 participants in each group.
For 2023/2024 this will be under review dependent on the success of 2022/2023.
Do you feel the current model of cross-phase DSLs is suitable?
Yes – 6/8
No – 2/8
For 2022/2023 we will continue with cross-phase groups. However, this is dependent on who signs up to which day.
For 2023/2024 we will consider if a change needs to be made to the booking process to ensure cross-phase groupings.
Do you feel £350 per delegate is reasonable?
Yes – 3/8
No – 0/8
Maybe – 5/8
For 2022/2023 pricing will remain the same.
For 2023-2024 we will review the pricing to ensure cost effectiveness.
Is there an alternative way of charging for the sessions that you think would be more appropriate e.g., discount for more than one DSL?
- Discounts for more than one delegate would be good.
- Yes, discount for more than one DSL from same school.
- It would be helpful if any of the 3 DSLs could join the meeting so we can share out the experience, support etc.
For 2022/2023 we will allow the link to be shared with other DSLs in your school. If you feel someone else would benefit from attending a particular session, please bring them along. However, we would have to monitor the size of the groups.
For 2023/2024 we will introduce a discounted rate if more than 1 delegate from each school would like to attend all sessions.
Is there an alternative way of organising the sessions that you think would be more appropriate e.g., a space per school allowing different members of staff to attend?
- I would really like a whole team approach for my DSL team- so face to face on school site once a year.
- Our group was better this year as we were mainly with other secondary schools. It would be good to keep this model for next year as DSL systems are very different in primary and secondary schools.
- I would prefer to meet the same group of people. I found that this year, we built up a good level of trust and support and banter regarding a certain Cactus! This definitely helped to reduce stress levels.
For 2022/2023 we will offer a whole team approach if requested by the school. Please contact hayley.cameron@cognus.org.uk to discuss your bespoke needs.
For 2022/2023 we will continue with the cross-phase groups, however this is dependent on who signs up to which day.
For 2023/2024 we will consider if separate Primary and Secondary DSL Supervision Groups are needed.
Are you offering supervision to other members of your schools safeguarding team?
Yes – 4
No – 3
Maybe – 1
Do you feel other members of staff would benefit from external supervision support?
Yes – 3/8
No – 0/8
Maybe – 5/8
If you answered yes, please provide more information:
- I would love to be able to afford for my whole team to access supervision
- We have several school meetings each week which aim to provide a basic level of supervision, but these are led by SLT, and groups are large.
- They already receive external supervision
Please contact hayley.cameron@cognus.org.uk to discuss bespoke supervision needs.
Please provide further information about how the sessions could be improved:
- I just couldn’t find the time to attend all of them
- Improvements needed are more likely to be from this end – e.g., taking time to prepare for the supervision sessions and time to reflect and action after each session. Time for such activities is not currently available due to school workload for DSLs.
- They are working well and take the lead from the DSLs present.
- Perhaps having prior knowledge of the initial question to the group, so as to feel prepared. I sometimes feel like a rabbit in headlights.
- I sometimes think I haven’t anything to contribute- other times you know i really do- I am often distracted by school happenings and I feel my whole team need a termly visit to support us all.
Please contact hayley.cameron@cognus.org.uk to discuss bespoke supervision needs.
If you cannot attend a session, and feel someone else in your team would benefit, please share the link with them.
Any other comments?
- You have been an enormous help and I have needed enormous help, but I feel my whole team need this too and we need it together!
- I think the sessions are a very welcome opportunity to receive valued support from Hayley, Jo and the rest of the group. You really can feel very isolated at times and talking shows we are not alone.
- Thank you for all your support and the ever-present listening ear.
- Greatly appreciate the support of Hayley, Mark and the team – thank you!
- It is very helpful to have a chance to talk through concerns. I also feel reassured that by attending the meetings I am able to keep regularly updated regarding any changes or local concerns.