Working with schools

It is not a Statutory duty for schools to do Personal Education Planning (PEP) meetings for Children Previously Looked After, however many schools and families that we have worked with find having an education planning meeting really beneficial to identify and meet the needs of the child.   It can also be useful to plan the effective use of Pupil Premium Plus funding.

Below is a template that can be used in education planning meetings by both primary and secondary schools. Parents of care experienced children my wish to share this with the school and arrange an education planning meeting.

Secondary education planning template for PCLA

Primary education planning template for PCLA

Here are some questions that you may wish to ask to ensure that you are informed about the educational progress of the child and you can jointly support the planning around the child’s education:

  • What is the current level of attainment?
  • Is the pupil at Age Related Expectations (ARE)? (that is the expected point for their age in the core subjects)
  • If they are not at ARE, what is being done to address any gaps in core subjects?
  • What progress is being made in core subjects?
  • If they are not making good progress, what interventions can be offered?
  • Are there any additional special educational needs?
  • Has an Education Plan for Adopted Children (EPAC) been written and needs assessment undertaken? What are the pupils & parent/carers views?
  • Are there any long-term needs? Or requirements for therapeutic support?
  • What extra support or interventions can be put in place using Pupil Premium Plus?