Careers information

If you are aged between 16-25 and are looking for some help in finding a job, apprenticeship, getting work experience or starting a business, here is a list of useful organisations that can offer support.
  • Sutton Local Offer for Care Leavers, is a website dedicated to young people in Sutton who are care experienced and is run by the Children in Care Council.  Here you can find links to lots of useful information related to applying for jobs.  For live current apprenticeship information please follow the Apprenticeships link in the section below.
Work Experience/Apprenticeships
  • London Learning Consortium Construction Traineeship (aged 16-24) – Construction Flyer (Croydon) Temporary
  • Kick Off In BusinessAre you 16 – 24? Free 5 Day Online Course.  The courses are designed to give you an insight and understanding of business start-up and/or self-employment to provide you with the foundational skills should you wish to take this path now or some time in the future.  Visit the website to sign up.
  • The Sound Lounge, Sutton – is a local music venue and community hub.  The managers will support young people to gain an AQA accredited barista and/or sound engineering qualification.  Contact them through their general enquiries form.
  • Sutton Apprenticeships –  for information about applying for all levels of local apprenticeships within Sutton council.  On this page you will also find a link to the live list of current apprenticeship vacancies.
  • ICOULD: A website which uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices.
  • Not Going to Uni: Helps school & college leavers make plans for their futures by showing the opportunities available – including apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, gap years, traineeships and jobs.
  • National Apprenticeship Service: Provides a variety of information about apprenticeships and traineeships, this site also has a search and apply facility with 1000’s of live vacancies.They have produced an excellent step-by-step guide to completing the government apprenticeship application and also making a successful apprenticeship application.How-to-write-winning-application-060715 (
  • The National Careers Service: The National Careers Service can help you with your career, learning and training choices with free confidential 1 to 1 information, advice and support via telephone, email or secure web chat.
  • Get My First Job: For 16-25-year olds seeking employment in a range of professions.  Please email –
  • WORK EXPERIENCE: a website which shows positions for work experience, internships and placements for 16-24-year olds.
Additional qualifications
  • Runway Training: Runway Training are a specialist provider of Maths and English Functional Skills qualifications, Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Certified Short Courses and Soft Skills. Offering a flexible approach to learning with online, classroom and onsite training available.
  • LEARNDIRECT: Access information and a variety of courses – including online Maths and English.
  • UCAS Progress: Admissions service for young people searching for courses and training after GCSEs.
  • Floodlight: Provides information of adult education courses in London.
  • 16-19 BURSARY FUND: Provides information on financial support for young people who need some financial help to stay in education or training after age 16.
  • Prince’s Trust – gain support in starting your business, getting a job and building your confidence through numerous programmes

Support organisations

Propel is an online tool for care leavers, providing information on the support available at colleges and universities across the UK. The website includes whether 365-day accommodation is available; what bursaries and grants are on offer; the help and support care leavers can expect; and the details of specific contacts to get in touch with at each institution. Become, the charity that runs Propel, also provides the Care Advice Line which will be open on results day for any care leavers who have questions about higher education and what they are entitled to. Unite -offers scholarships and student accommodation to care leavers in partnership with selected universities. Follow the link to make an application. UCAS provides a specific area on their website detailing undergraduate support for care leavers, including information to help with finance, settling in, and accommodation. Bright Light is a partnership project helping care leavers to get into Apprenticeships. They offer a range of support for young people including CV writing and interview practise.

London Careers Hub

Next Steps in London is a new resource designed to help young people to understand the range of pathways available across London and provides a list of downloadable resources.  The guide explains the different pathways in education and training that young people can access when they finish year 11. If you want to find out more about Internships, Apprenticeships, A’ levels, T levels, Vocational Courses or the hundreds of free Skills Bootcamp programmes available in London, this guide will be a great starting point. London-PAL-Guide-Digital-version.pdf (