Children Previously Looked After

Children Previously Looked After can benefit from having the close monitoring and individualised support in school that is provided to Children Looked After.

Whilst there is no statutory expectation for schools to have a Personal Education Planning (PEP) meeting for Children Previously Looked After, we would suggest that schools consider using a PEP when it is either requested by a parent or where there are concerns around a child’s educational progress.  A PEP meeting enables families and professionals to meet together and consider how best to meet the needs of the child and can support strong partnership working.  Please fee free to download the Previously Looked After PEP templates and use in meetings as appropriate.

Sutton SECONDARY PCLA education planning template

Sutton PRIMARY PCLA education planning  template

Schools receive £2610 Pupil Premium Plus funding per year for each Previously Looked After child on the census.  Schools can choose how to use this funding to help remove barriers to learning for pupils in this cohort and further support from EEF is available here.