Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH)

Here are some services to support emotional well-being and mental health:

Signposting: For mental health

Off The Record (OTR): Sutton young people’s counselling service, which offers weekly drop-ins with no appointment needed, as well as the option of online counselling. Sign up on the off the record website

‘The Mix’: support for young people under 25 on  0808 808 4994.  They also offer a 1-1 chat and crisis messenger text service via the mix website.

The young minds website has guidance and resources to support children and young people’s mental health. More information is at

Mentoring Service: Bridge the Gap is a mentoring service jointly run by MAPS and Home-Start Sutton to deliver a family approach support programme. They help young people aged 10 – 21 and their families, who are experiencing complex and challenging life circumstances, those at risk of exclusion or at risk of involvement in criminal activity. They aim to support feelings of low self-esteem, reduced aspirations, risk taking behaviour, criminal behaviour as well as emotional and mental health issues. The volunteer mentor offers the young person a safe space to talk, supports them in engaging in positive activities within the community, as well as providing a chance to set realistic goals.  To make a referral, please contact the MAPS team on 020 8661 5900 or email .

Support for children affected by trauma: We have a trauma specialist at the Virtual School who provides both universal and targeted programmes of support to schools and individual pupils.  More information can be found at .

Traded support from Cognus: Cognus offers a range of traded services to help identify a pupil’s barriers to learning and recommend strategies to support their emotional well-being and readiness to learn.  Some teams also provide professionals bespoke advice.  See Our Traded Offer for more information.