Designated Teacher Training

Sutton Virtual School is committed to ensuring Designated Teachers can receive access to high quality training to support them in their role.   Please review the training options below to ensure that you have a strong understanding of your role as Designated Teacher and are actively engaging in training that will support Children Looked After in your school.

Sutton Virtual School CPD programme-2023-24-Overview-page

Sutton Virtual School Summer Term CPD programme DTDSL 2023-24

Empowering Trauma Informed Change (virtual) – Thursday 13th June

Sutton Designated Teacher network meetings  – further details and dates will follow.  They will be hosted at Cantium House, Wallington and there will be a carousel of sessions to support all DTs in Sutton.

Sutton Virtual School – Trauma surgery (for Designated Teachers and Trauma Champions)

Dates to follow.

New to Role Designated Teacher training:

New to Role Designated Teacher training session – Tuesday 25th June 2024

New to Role Designated Safeguarding Lead trainingTuesday 18th June 2024  9.30-3.30pm, Cantium House, Railway Approach SM6 0DZ

We will run further sets of new to role training as required for any DTs who will be moving into a new role and will let you know once these dates are released.

We would appreciate any feedback in relation to the training on offer at present as we are continually seeking to improve our offer.

The following training should be watched by all Designated Teachers who are new to role as it covers the main requirements of the role.

It can also be used as a refresher for experienced Designated Teachers as there are updates around Pupil Premium Plus funding and Virtual School extended responsibilities covered in this video.

Executive Functioning Training

Designated Teachers would benefit from watching the series of 6 videos related to supporting young people with executive functioning difficulties as this is often a need of Children Looked After and Previously Looked After.

Trauma & Executive Function Series

Mental Health training: Place2be 

Place2be is a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools.
Designated Teachers can access direct online training for their school, which is led by a qualified practitioner to help process classroom experiences and wellbeing support.  It is important that all Designated Teachers have a strong understanding of mental health and wellbeing to ensure effective support for Children Looked After in school.

Financial Education training

As we know, care leavers move into independence and become responsible for their own finances at a much younger age than their peers in the general population, and in most cases do not have family support networks to rely on. As a consequence, they are at higher risk of financial vulnerability and many experience problems with debt and arrears.  This is often due to a lack of understanding of how to maintain a tenancy, pay bills and budget effectively. Research indicates that around one third of care leavers become homeless within the first two years of leaving care, impacting on their ability to secure or remain in education or employment and experience good mental health and wellbeing.  The report ‘Care to talk about money? The importance of financial education for children in care’ has demonstrated the impact that financial education can have for young people in care.  Designated Teachers can access these resources to ensure that key staff in the school are able to educate children looked after around finance.  To support staff to have the confidence in delivering financial education we encourage Designated Teachers to arrange for staff to access Young Money online training.

There is also the ability for schools to gain additional free mentoring and support with staff training through MoneyHeroes.