GRTHM 2024 Resources

Here are some useful links with resources to help promote / celebrate Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month:

Twinkl have a lots of information and a range of FREE resources available to download.

Friend, Families & Travellers are focusing on the theme of ‘Family’ and what it means to help celebrate GRTHM this year. They have a range of resources and digital downloads available to encourage participation in this year’s History Month including this fantastic timeline.

‘Roads from the Past’ is a short animated film about the history of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people in Britain, from ancient times up to the present day which aims answers lots of frequently asked questions.

Travellers Times created digital downloads to accompany the film ‘Roads from the Past’ including an assembly, lesson plan ideas and a Lifestyle, History and Culture FAQs pack to support non-Traveller teaching staff, which can be used throughout June as part of Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month, or at any time to raise awareness and embed inclusivity as part of your teaching.

Below are some other great, short animated videos that explain the history of different groups of Travellers and where they come from.

A Short History of Irish Travellers

Roma: An Animated History

Cognus’ Traveller Education Service created a Gypsy, Roma & Traveller History Assembly PowerPoint presentation that can be used as an assembly for schools / classes to learn about Travellers and help celebrate GRTHM.

Please contact the service at ‘’ if you are interested in accessing this resource or would like us to come and deliver an assembly for you.