
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

ELSAs are trained to support pupils with social and emotional needs. Their work is mostly one-on-one, though small group sessions are sometimes used for social and friendship skills. ELSAs receive clinical supervision from educational psychologists but are managed within their own schools. ELSAs cannot fix children’s problems but provide crucial emotional support. They build respectful […]

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Referral Process

The MHST recognise importance of a coordinated approach to mental health support, especially within educational settings. Our referral process is designed to ensure that individuals receive the right level of support at the right time, with careful consideration of their unique needs and circumstances. Before initiating the referral process, it’s essential to reach out to […]

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Meet the team

Elizabeth Ross CBT Therapist/Art Therapist I understand that there is no one size fits all approach to therapy and aim to work together with young people to support understanding, change and growth. Sarah Bass Dramatherapist I aim to help people harness their creativity to aide healing, growth, and development. EMDR therapy also sits within my […]

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Penalty Notice Advice for Parents

London Borough of Sutton’s Penalty Notice Code of Conduct (October 2023) National Framework for Penalty Notices – What you need to know. The following changes will apply from 19th August 2024: Penalty Notice Fines will be considered by schools when the threshold of 10 sessions (half days) of unauthorised absence (together or separate occasions) is met […]

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Attend To Achieve #SchoolTodayFutureTomorrow

January to March 2024 sees the launch of the national attendance campaign, what better time than this to showcase Suttons coproduced school attendance strategy Attend to Achieve!!! This strategy seeks to address the needs of children and families in Sutton by removing barriers they may face achieving good school attendance. Our goal is to ensure […]

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Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions

The London Borough of Sutton’s policy for Educating children with emotional, wellbeing and health related needs who cannot attend school defines the policy, organisation, and arrangements for cooperating with parents and health professionals to ensure children and young people with medical conditions have full access to education. The policy identifies how the local area partnership […]

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Our objectives and delivery plan are overseen by the Strategic Attendance Group (SASG) who will meet every three months. We report to both the Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (LSCP) for assurance, and the Education Leadership Group (ELG) for accountability and strategic decision making. Feeding into the SASG will be a number of networks that bring […]

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Our progress so far

Since the release of the Working together to improve school attendance guidance, May 2022, we have been working hard to bring about positive change and improvements to attendance. So far we have: What is working well Attendance is recognised as high strategic priority within Sutton with a Strategic Attendance Steering Group and a strategy and […]

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The Priorities

Whilst it is clear that we need to improve rates of attendance for all children, particularly those who are persistently or severely absent, there are some cohorts whose experiences and circumstances may require an additional focus and include; The overarching priority is to improve school attendance for all pupils. To achieve these the following five […]

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