
Attendance Support in Schools

Schools attendance duties are outlined in the DfE guidance Working together to improve school attendance ( and Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance  Attendance Support Team Cognus’ Attendance Support Team support education settings, children and young people, parents/carers to ensure attendance levels are maintained at appropriate levels. We recognise the importance of working holistically […]

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Attendance support for Professionals working with children and families in Sutton 

School attendance, everyone’s business Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families.  The DfE issued guidance in 2022 Working together to improve school attendance ( for schools and local authorities.    The publication is […]

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Attendance Support around Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) and Mental Health 

EBSA is a term used to describe children and young people who have difficulties in attending school due to emotional factors.   Whilst using the term EBSA can help us and others to know that the absence involves emotional factors, it is essential that further work is undertaken with the pupil and their family to understand […]

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Attendance Support for Professionals

How we work with you  We work in close partnership with our colleagues in Early Help, social care and the Virtual School in order to provide a holistic approach to improving issues and challenges with school attendance using a multi-agency approach. All Sutton Schools have an allocated officer within the Cognus Attendance Support Team, who […]

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Team Around the Family Meetings

The Team Around the Family (TAF) is a generic term used to describe the group of professionals, volunteers and members of the wider family who are involved; it must include family members working alongside professionals. TAF meetings are when the family meets with the different key professionals involved in supporting them, to produce a plan […]

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Inclusion Surgeries for Schools

The Inclusion Surgeries will take place on the following dates. These are not solely for SENCOs and we welcome any school staff to book on if they wish to discuss an Inclusion case. We will be offering information, advice, and guidance to schools to support inclusive practice and the prevention of exclusion. 2023/24 Tuesday 4th June – […]

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Vulnerable Pupil’s Panel

The Vulnerable Pupils Panel (VPP), is a multi-agency partnership whose aim is to ensure Children and young people have equality of access to high quality mainstream education and have the same opportunities to achieve and succeed through all their steps in education and effectively prepare them for adulthood whatever their starting point. Additionally, the partnership identifies support […]

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Sutton’s Graduated Response

Sutton’s Graduated Response provides a multi-agency framework, that supports working together to meet social, emotional, and metal health needs of a child or young person to prevent exclusion and to promote inclusion. Aims Include: The Graduated Response supports schools to ensure that all reasonable steps are being taken to provide support and intervention. If you would like […]

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Educational resources

We have listed below a range of online organisations and resources that can support you with home education. Please let us know if you are aware of other resources or information that may benefit other families that we can include here. Sutton’s Local Offer has a wealth of information advice and guidance about services and provision […]

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