Education for all (Inclusion)

Powerful film unlocks opportunities to support care experienced young people

Professionals working with Sutton’s children looked after had the opportunity to view the critically acclaimed short film ‘Be-Longing’ directed by Mike McKenzie.  Sutton Virtual School staff who watched the film were impressed at the emotional and poignant story of a child in care.  The film skilfully challenges professionals to continually consider the impact of decision […]

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Strength & Difficulty Questionnaires

Strength and Difficultly Questionnaires (SDQ) are used in Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings to help identify appropriate support for both education and wellbeing. Please complete the appropriate form below and return to the CLA Education Advisor in advance of the PEP meeting.  The final SDQ scores will be made available for discussion at the PEP […]

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Trauma & Executive Function Series

Executive function is an umbrella term for the interrelated cognitive processes involved in executing a task. It helps to monitor and control our thoughts and actions. Some children and young people may have had adverse experiences in their childhood resulting in trauma and attachment difficulties. This can result in a difficulty in the development of […]

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Positive Steps into Adulthood

Progressing into further education can be a daunting prospect for young people, but it needn’t be. Moira has compiled some information for carers and post-16 young people, to help take the confusion out of further education, training and employment. Post 16 Options: – Education Depending on the qualifications you already have, you can study for […]

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The Sound of The Virtual School

Over the half term Sutton Virtual School and Sutton Music Service collaborated and ran our first Beginners Producing Music Sessions! It was great to see the students engaging so well with the sessions. Over the three day course, students learned how to use the Sound Trap software by first looking at the basics, creating a […]

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The Education of Children Looked After: Sutton Virtual School Annual Report 2020

The Virtual School Annual Report describes how Sutton Virtual School works closely with foster carers, social workers and schools to help improve the education of our Children Looked After. In order to see the other ways in which Sutton’s Children Looked After have been supported, watch the short summary video ( ) Sutton’s Children Looked […]

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