Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Improving outcomes for school-aged children
Information about EEF research-based interventions and more coming soon!Other Information and Guidance
Browse here for Government guidance relating to the children we support. Help at Hand service run by The Children’s Commissioner Promoting the education of children with a social worker (publishing.service.gov.uk) National Advocacy Helpline More coming soon!School moves, transition and Admissions
Children who are looked-after are given first priority for school places and schools are expected to admit them without reference to the oversubscription criteria and without delay. Every Sutton looked-after child has a Virtual School case manager who can assist with school admissions and support their transition. Here is some additional guidance: School admissions information […]Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Please refer to the Local Offer for key information. Other resources/ information: Please refer to our Book a Consultation section if you’d like to book a free, SEND-focused consultation to discuss an individual case. Autism and Social Communication Understanding Neurodiversity: A guide to Specific Learning Difficulties Books for trauma & anxiety needs for children & […]Read more on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)