Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)


If a young person has low attendance, it is worthwhile taking some time to work through the EBSA guidance for schools (updated March 2023) There are action planning templates, audits and flow diagrams that can all help identify the issue for the young person and move towards a solution. There are further information on attendance […]

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School moves, transition and Admissions

Children who are looked-after are given first priority for school places and schools are expected to admit them without reference to the oversubscription criteria and without delay. Every Sutton looked-after child has a Virtual School case manager who can assist with school admissions and support their transition. Here is some additional guidance: School admissions information […]

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Suspensions and Exclusions

Please refer to the resources here, aimed at supporting professionals to working together to avoid suspensions and exclusions.  If a child with a social worker has a suspension or is permanently excluded, schools must inform the social worker.  Please also consider requesting support through the Vulnerable Pupils Panel if a child is at high risk […]

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Good school attendance is vital and can also act as a protective factor for many of our children and young people, especially those subject to child in need or child protection plans.  See below for a list of resources/ guidance and please also refer to our ‘education consultation’ section if you’d like to book a […]

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You Said, We Did

Below is a summary of the work we are undertaking in response to the groups requests and feedback. (UPDATED) You Said: There is an unfairness between what support previously looked after children receive compared to SGO children who have not been in public care. We did: We have extended our offer of support to all […]

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Book a consultation

We run free consultations in relation to a Sutton child or young person under the remit of the Virtual School:  Child in Need, Child Protection, Child Looked After, Previously Looked After, has/had involvement from a Social Worker, Kinship, or Special Guardianship. Consultations offer professionals a problem-solving space to work towards tangible next steps to support […]

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