Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
The MHST (Mental Health Support Team) provides health support services within the school setting to a range of schools who are part of the cluster. The team is a collaboration between professionals from the Educational Psychology Service and Sutton CAMHS and sits within the wider Education Wellbeing Service. The MHST aims to enhance emotional well-being […]Networking opportunity for Post-16 Speech and Language Therapist
Grace Mullin, Speech and Language Therapist at Cognus Therapies, attended a networking event at Sutton and District Training College in the summer term 2023. The event provided opportunities to meet with various professionals across the borough of Sutton including representatives from social care, education, and the youth justice service. Grace was able to liaise with […]Read more on Networking opportunity for Post-16 Speech and Language Therapist
Cognus Therapies run interactive stall at Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) event for the second year running
Thursday 30th November 2023 saw London Borough of Sutton (LBS) host another highly successful Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) event for children and young people aged 14+ in the local area. Over 200 young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) visited the event which took place at the Sutton Life Centre across two sessions. […]Therapies Graduated Response ‘SEND Champion’ Support Session
Monday 27th November saw 23 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and teachers representing17 education provisions across the London Borough of Sutton (LBS) join a workshop to extend their learning related to Cognus Therapies’ Graduated Response. The workshop was facilitated in a hybrid manner to reach as many professionals as possible and 16 staff attended in person […]Read more on Therapies Graduated Response ‘SEND Champion’ Support Session
A Case Study – Supporting Seamless Transitions From Secondary to Post 16 Education
Collaborating with young people and their parents/ carers to ensure seamless transitions from secondary to Post 16 education. In November 2022, Emma Perridge (Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist and Post 16 Lead) and Ashlea Stephens (Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Post 16 Lead) attended a Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) strategy workshop for parents and […]Read more on A Case Study – Supporting Seamless Transitions From Secondary to Post 16 Education
Therapies team train members of school staff across schools in Sutton,
Cognus Therapies trains 59 members of school staff across 28 schools in Sutton, by delivering 7 training sessions across the summer term 2023. Jo Wells (SaLT), Amber Burnett (OT) and Howard Hutchins (OT) successfully delivered the first SEND Champion Training to 59 member of school staff across the Sutton Local Authority. This training was hosted […]Read more on Therapies team train members of school staff across schools in Sutton,
OT presents at the OT show, about the ‘Messy Chef’ programme
Shelly Fredericks, Occupational Therapist presents at the NEC, OT show, about the ‘Messy Chef’ programme, sharing her learning with parents and carers, and looks at possible future research. During her time working at Oak Field Primary School, Autism Base (April 2019 – present), Shelly Fredericks (Occupational Therapist, OT) noticed a trend of fussy eaters. This […]Read more on OT presents at the OT show, about the ‘Messy Chef’ programme