Training and Development


CWSW training Designated Teacher Training 2024-25 EHCP application for CLA Executive Function (films 1- 6) Foster carer Education training New to care film Previously Children Looked After Post 16 and HE film Trauma informed transition Part 1 & 2 We’re here to help – Therapy/Support film Your HE Choices Attendance Autism and Trauma Relational Approach […]

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Trauma & Executive Function Series

Executive function is an umbrella term for the interrelated cognitive processes involved in executing a task. It helps to monitor and control our thoughts and actions. Some children and young people may have had adverse experiences in their childhood resulting in trauma and attachment difficulties. This can result in a difficulty in the development of […]

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Post 16 education

Young people  make important decisions about their future when they finish school and college. They may wish to continue their education at University, work or gain qualifications through a traineeship or apprenticeship.  Support and advice is available from Sutton Virtual School at each step to ensure that young people make the best next steps in […]

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Designated Teacher Training

Sutton Virtual School is committed to ensuring Designated Teachers can receive access to high quality training to support them in their role.   Please review the training options below to ensure that you have a strong understanding of your role as Designated Teacher and are actively engaging in training that will support Children Looked After […]

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Trauma and attachment

Executive Functions Training  Week 1:Executive functions: Introduction  Sasha-Gay Brown (Trauma and Attachment Advisor, Virtual School) and Dr Kate Payne (Educational Psychologist) introduce the executive function and trauma series. Executive function is an umbrella term for the interrelated cognitive processes involved in executing a task. It helps to monitor and control our thoughts and actions. Some […]

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Sutton Virtual School

Sutton Virtual School acts as a local authority champion to promote the progress and educational attainment of Children Looked After (CLA), Previously Looked After (PCLA), children on kinship orders and children with a social worker so they achieve educational outcomes comparable to their peers. Sutton Virtual School does not exist in real terms, or as […]

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