Virtual School
Help at Hand service by The Children’s Commissioner
Help at Hand is the Children’s Commissioner’s advice and assistance service for children in care, children who have a social worker or are working with social services, children living away from home and care leavers. Children, young people, or their advocates can get in touch with Help at Hand for free by phone, website or email.Read more on Help at Hand service by The Children’s Commissioner
We are pleased to announce that the updates to the Sutton Virtual School PEP document are now live. We have designed the new PEP with input from designated teachers, social workers, foster carers, young people and our CLA nurse team. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the updates and watch the training video which takes […]National Advocacy Helpline – new contact details from 1st October 2023
Since 2015, the Department for Education has commissioned a national advocacy helpline to support the rights of children to be heard. Since 2017, this helpline has been delivered through Coram Voice’s ‘Always Heard’ service. We are writing to inform you that from 1st October, the national advocacy helpline service will be provided by the National […]Read more on National Advocacy Helpline – new contact details from 1st October 2023